Plural Technology

Apparel manufacturing caters to one of the world’s most significant and largest industries – fashion! Hence, it is inevitable for apparel manufacturers to adopt cutting-edge technological advancements and strategically utilize them to align with current expectations and industry standards.
With close to two decades of experience serving the apparel manufacturing industry, Plural Technology emerges as a reliable partner. Our extensive experience, coupled with continuous improvement positions us to help the apparel industry to implement modern technologies like AI, AR, IoT, RFID, etc. Through seamless integration of these technologies with PLM we consistently deliver phenomenal results contributing to immediate success and sustainable impact.

Apparel Manufacturing Challenges

Apparel manufacturers across the world face several challenges, including the following.

Expert technology consulting, appropriate and visionary planning, and competent implementation of technologies can help apparel manufacturers overcome these challenges. Plural plays a significant role in each of these areas, leveraging its unmatched expertise in digital transformation.

PLM in Apparel Manufacturing

Integrating PLM in the highly complex product lifecycle of apparel manufacturing can help Apparel manufacturers leverage capabilities like BOM management, customer choice management, color palette management, sample management, line plan reports management, sourcing and quoting processes, construction details, workflow management, automatic notifications, subscription control, and many others.
Other crucial modules and features, includes line planning, storyboarding, costing, color management, sourcing and supplier management, product data management, BI and reporting, fabric and trim management, CAD-design design data management, fabric and trim management, etc.

We help our clients achieve benefits to include the following

AI in Apparel Manufacturing

We help apparel manufacturing companies integrate AI sensibly and responsibly across various product development phases and operational processes. Some examples include,

Our AI-ML development includes using popular frameworks to suit your needs. Our developers integrate AI/ML tools with third-party APIs for seamless process flow.

Are you interested in discovering how Artificial Intelligence can improve your efficiency?

IoT in Apparel Manufacturing

We help our clients from the apparel manufacturing sector use IoT for inventory management to track inventory in real time and improve supply chain management.

Additionally, our scope covers using IoT to help retail players deliver a more engaging and interactive customer shopping experience. One of the examples may include developing smart mirrors enabling customers to try and test clothes on them. On the other hand, it can also include developing sensors to track how customers interact with clothing and provide personalized recommendations. 

Data Analytics

In addition to the above, Plural Technology also utilizes its expertise to help apparel manufacturers use data analytics and foster improvements across various areas.

Quality Control

Analyze production data to identify patterns and trends that may indicate quality issues, enabling timely identification of quality issues.

Analyze supply chain data to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, optimizing the supply chain and reducing costs.

Forecast demand and optimize production planning to manufacture the right products in the right quantities and at the right time.

Monitor and reduce production waste and emissions to improve the environmental sustainability of apparel manufacturing.

Plural Technology – The Key to Transformation, Value and Success!

Identify yourself as an organization that delivers value with optimized processes and sustainable practices across the apparel manufacturing space with Plural. Leverage our comprehensive expertise that involves everything from strategy design to implementation. Whether you’ve just begun your digital transformation or are mid-way, our experts will pick it up and optimize value to help you drive transformations that impact your business positively across a wider timeframe.

Perform more efficiently and optimize your manufacturing operations with Plural. Click to discover more about our apparel industry expertise and support.